Concept(s) Continuity and Change, Primary Source Evidence
Exemplary example of Continuity and Change
Prepared for Grade(s) 7
Province AB
By Gail Smith
Time Period(s) 1800-1900, 1900-present
Time allotment 5 x 60 minutes
Brief Description of the Task
Funding and support for the development of this lesson plan is as a result of a grant from Alberta Education to support implementation of the K-12 Social Studies curriculum. Financial and in-kind support was also provided by the Calgary Regional Consortium (
This lesson explores the experiences of Aboriginal children within the Residential School system in Canada. To provide students with background knowledge about Residential Schools, a PowerPoint presentation is attached. Questions, activities and research projects are provided to stimulate thought on historical significance, evidence, and continuity and change in regards to this issue in Canada today. To engage these concepts students analyze primary and secondary source documents, including a touching, personal account of a former resident of one of the residential schools in Saskatchewan.